Leadership 8/07- 5/08
Arcata, CA
Youth Educational Services (Y.E.S.)
• Interviewed Program Directors for their positions and maintained communication between Program Directors and permanent staff throughout the school year.
• Assisted Directors in defining program goals, inter-staff communication and conflict resolution.
• Co-led a 2- day leadership retreat for 20-25 directors in the Fall and Spring.
• Co-facilitated weekly meetings for 20-25 directors to better serve their program.
• Trained directors in Safety and Risk Management, Communication, Non-Violence, Inequities in Society, Reflection.
• Knowledge of Microsoft Word, and time management required for planning workshops.
• Excellent communication, collaboration, and time management skills required for planning and leading workshops.
Skill sets
Program Consultant
Time Management & Organization
Microsoft Word
Detail- Oriented
Group Collaboration

Youth Educational Services (Y.E.S.) 8/06- 5/07
Arcata, CA
• Planned and co-facilitated weekly meetings for volunteers.
• Participated in weekly training class led by Program Consultants.
• Recruited volunteers for A.R.T. as well as other programs.
• Fundraised for the program by having food sales on the campus quad.
• Spent 10-15 hours per week planning meetings and setting up service.
• Attended 2-day director training in the Spring and Fall.
• Basic knowledge of Microsoft Word required for planning workshops.
Skill sets
Program Director

Microsoft Word
Group Collaboration
Time Management & Meeting planning
Detail- Oriented